
How bad do you want to be in the best shape of your life? What it boils down to is “Willpower.”
What is willpower first of all? Will is the ability to make a conscious choice. It is directly related to desire, so if you do not desire to be in the best shape of your life, chances are you won’t get it. The desire to have that craft brew or cheese pizza might be stronger than the desire to eat clean. Willpower is when you exercise making those conscious choices.
It always helps to set a goal that can help you overcome those obstacles when you are faced with the desire to cheat and have that unhealthy snack! It is extremely important that you know exactly what you want in order to know how to get it. Goals can be as simple as wanting to fit back into those pair of jeans that you were wearing last year when you were exercising, eating clean, and doing cardio consistently. A person with little willpower will give in easily. Getting what you want takes sacrifice and clear conscious choices, even in the midst of difficulty.
Going back to the meaning of Body Build Her® and what the Anchor represents. Once your Anchor is set and grounded in the ocean, it does not deter from its location even in the midst of a storm. The anchor is determined to survive the storm and crashing waves the same as we should survive the storms and waves that life throws at us. This could be as simple as going to a party and opting out of that piece of cheesecake or drink because you are more determined to get into those jeans. The pain of turning down that piece of cheesecake is only temporary, but the results of eating it or not are permanent.
Powerful people have strong will and that makes them successful at reaching their goals. Every second, we are bombarded with desire, so much so, it makes us confused about what it is we truly want. Instead of three cable channels like I had when I was growing up, we now have access to thousands of channels making none of them interesting because there are too many choices. Food has become the same way. The amount of choices in food make it extremely difficult to eat only what our body needs for optimal health and nutrition, but with willpower, we can choose what we know fuels our body for the good.