The Importance of Rest

I finished the USA placing second place. I wanted first!  I knew exactly what I needed to do – bring the legs in.  I trained my legs non stop up until the show on top of daily yoga and stretching, as well as the stationary bicycle.  I was pleased with my legs but not as much as I was one week post contest. Once my legs were given a chance to rest all of the blood was able to settle in and all of my legs cuts and glory started to reveal themselves.

I learn something different every show I do. The fact is, things change with the human body so we must constantly adapt our training and diet accordingly.  One important thing I learned from this show was that my entire body, especially my legs, need at least one week of rest before showtime!  Everything in moderation, I say, but when you’re getting ready for a show there’s a lot of strain on the human body so sometimes it takes a full week to cool down and settle in to reveal its true look.

The same is true with everything in life.  Everything has its limits and then we must rest and recover.  Consistency seems to keep the human body strong and healthy and free of injury since you are not “killing” your self when you  workout. Instead, you are doing a little bit every day which is what the human body craves, constant movement.